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Quick Lesson Reviews

Review the lesson vocabulary and phrases in print. These Quick Reviews, in PDF format, contain all the vocabulary and phrases in Arabic, English and transliteration for the lesson in a simple table format. Study on screen or print the Quick Review for study anywhere.

Quick Lesson Reviews

Review the lesson vocabulary and phrases in print. These Quick Reviews, in PDF format, contain all the vocabulary and phrases in Arabic, English and transliteration for the lesson in a simple table format. Study on screen or print the Quick Review for study anywhere.

In a Store Quick Lesson Review


In a Store Quick Lesson Review


This Quick Review includes the phrases and vocabulary used in the lesson in table format.
The lesson covers the following topics and vocabulary:
-how to hold a full conversation in an Arabic store
-how to answer if someone asked you 'how can I help you', like:
-I'm just looking around, thanks
-I'm fine, I don't need help, thanks
-I'm looking for... / I want... / I need...
-how to ask important questions like:
-Do you have...?
-where is...?
-Can I find...?
-how to understand directions to what you're looking for.
-Yes I have / No I don't have
-names for some common Arabic products