Lesson Bundles

My lesson bundles give you the most cost-effective way to supplement my lessons with hands-on study aids. You get flashcard decks, lesson review PDFs, and audio podcasts – all at a big discount!
In a Store Part 2: Lesson Bundle
In a Store: Lesson Bundle. Lesson Quick Review, Text and Audio Flashcards, and Audio Podcast in 1 Package!
This Lesson Bundle includes all the study aids for my lesson In a Store, Part 2.
Note: Audio Flashcards are not yet available for this lesson. As soon as they are available, I will add them to this bundle. If you purchase the bundle now, let me know and I will send you a download link to the Audio Flashcard deck when it becomes available.
The lesson covers the following topics and vocabulary:
-how to hold a full conversation in an Arabic store
-how to answer if someone asked you 'how can I help you', like:
-I'm just looking around, thanks
-I'm fine, I don't need help, thanks
-I'm looking for... / I want... / I need...
-how to ask important questions like:
-Do you have...?
-where is...?
-Can I find...?
-how to understand directions to what you're looking for.
-Yes I have / No I don't have
-names for some common Arabic products