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Quick Lesson Reviews

Review the lesson vocabulary and phrases in print. These Quick Reviews, in PDF format, contain all the vocabulary and phrases in Arabic, English and transliteration for the lesson in a simple table format. Study on screen or print the Quick Review for study anywhere.
Quick Lesson Reviews

Review the lesson vocabulary and phrases in print. These Quick Reviews, in PDF format, contain all the vocabulary and phrases in Arabic, English and transliteration for the lesson in a simple table format. Study on screen or print the Quick Review for study anywhere.
This Quick Review includes the phrases and vocabulary used in the lesson in table format.
The lesson covers the following topics and vocabulary:
-how to turn down someone who's flirting with you or expressing romantic feelings towards you and you don't see yourself in a romantic relationship with them
-how to reject someone you know casually
-how to reject someone in your circle of friends
-how to break up if you are already involved in a relationship and need to end it.
Tough problems, but they happen in real life and it can be important to know how to express these ideas!