Lesson Bundles

My lesson bundles give you the most cost-effective way to supplement my lessons with hands-on study aids. You get flashcard decks, lesson review PDFs, and audio podcasts – all at a big discount!
Breaking Up Lesson Bundle
Breaking Up Lesson Bundle. Lesson Quick Review, Text and Audio Flashcards, and Audio Podcast in 1 Package!
This Lesson Bundle includes all my Study Aids for this lesson in one package.
The lesson covers the following topics and vocabulary:
-how to turn down someone who's flirting with you or expressing romantic feelings towards you and you don't see yourself in a romantic relationship with them
-how to reject someone you know casually
-how to reject someone in your circle of friends
-how to break up if you are already involved in a relationship and need to end it.
Tough problems, but they happen in real life and it can be important to know how to express these ideas!