Lesson Bundles

My lesson bundles give you the most cost-effective way to supplement my lessons with hands-on study aids. You get flashcard decks, lesson review PDFs, and audio podcasts – all at a big discount!

Adjectives 1&2 Lesson Bundle


Adjectives 1&2 Lesson Bundle

LAWM-Podcast: Adjectives Part2

Adjectives Part2 Podcast

LAWM-Podcast: Adjectives Part1

Adjectives Part1 Podcast

Adjectives 1&2: Anki Audio Flashcards

Adjectives 1: Anki Audio Flashcards

Personal Adjectives 2: Anki Text Flashcards

Personal Adjectives 2: Anki Text Flashcards

Personal Adjectives 1: Anki Text Flashcard

Personal Adjectives 1: Anki Text Flashcard

Adjectives 1&2 Quick Lesson Review

Adjectives 1 Quick Lesson Review

This Lesson Bundle includes all my Study Aids for this lesson in one package.
The lesson covers the following topics and vocabulary:
-how to form adjectives in the feminine, masculine, and plural
-how to use definite and indefinite adjectives
-how to form a comparative and superlative adjective from its normal 'positive' form
-examples for the adjectives: young and old in all forms
-examples for the adjectives: small and big in all forms