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Quick Lesson Reviews

Review the lesson vocabulary and phrases in print. These Quick Reviews, in PDF format, contain all the vocabulary and phrases in Arabic, English and transliteration for the lesson in a simple table format. Study on screen or print the Quick Review for study anywhere.
Quick Lesson Reviews

Review the lesson vocabulary and phrases in print. These Quick Reviews, in PDF format, contain all the vocabulary and phrases in Arabic, English and transliteration for the lesson in a simple table format. Study on screen or print the Quick Review for study anywhere.
LAWM Words with Two Meanings Quick Lesson Review, Pt 1
Words with Two Meanings Quick Lesson Review, Pt 1
This Quick Lesson Review gives you the vocabulary and phrases from this lesson in a simple, clear, table format for easy study. All the vocabulary and phrases are included, together with example sentences. This is the first of two lessons about words with two different meanings.