Lesson Bundles

My lesson bundles give you the most cost-effective way to supplement my lessons with hands-on study aids. You get flashcard decks, lesson review PDFs, and audio podcasts – all at a big discount!

How to Say Thanks: Lesson Bundle


How to Say Thanks: Lesson Bundle. Lesson Quick Review, Text and Audio Flashcards, and Audio Podcast in 1 Package!

LAWM-Podcast:How to Say Thanks

How to Say Thanks Podcast

Thanks: Anki Audio Flashcards

Thanks: Anki Audio Flashcards

Thanks: Anki Text Flashcards

Thanks: Anki Text Flashcards

LAWM-Podcast: Review-Thanks

Review Podcast-Thanks

Thanks Quick Lesson Review

Thanks Quick Lesson Review

This Lesson Bundle includes all my Study Aids for this lesson in one package.
The lesson covers the following topics and vocabulary:
-the most common ways to say Thank You and reply to Thank You in Arabic
-other ways to answer or reply when someone says Thank You
-how to thank someone when they do something nice for you
-affectionate ways to thank friends and family
-how to thank people who really go out of their way to help you
-how to tell someone you are grateful in Arabic
-the most common formal ways to thank someone and reply in Arabic.